Standards and Regulationsfor Medical Team

Standards and Regulationsfor Medical Team


          The Medical Emergency Response team is set up to assist different levels of critical situation, tend and assist the injured on  scene until reaching the hospital. The team consists of the leaderof the medical assistant team, the medical assistant and the ambulance driver. Vehicles are needed to transport medicines and medical tools and equipment. The commanding level of the call centre or the Command Centre will decide upon the appropriate amount disposition of help that would suit the situation.

          There are different types of teams as follows:

1)    First Responder Team (FR)

This team consists of:

1)    The team leader of the FR unit and a team of FR personnel; an overall of 3 personnel at the least*.

2)    An emergency transportation vehicle (ambulance) that meets the international standard.

3)    Tools and equipment.

4)    Protocol (In the process. Details available in the ‘abstract’)


2)    Basic Life Support Team (BLS)

This team consists of:

1)    The team leader of the Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (EMT-B) and a team of EMT-B personnel; an overall of 3 personnel at the least.

2)    An emergency transportation vehicle (ambulance) that meets the international standard.

3)    Medicines and equipment.

4)    Protocol (In the process. Details available in the ‘abstract’)


3)    Intermediate Life Support Team (ILS)

This team consists of:

1)    The team leader of the Emergency Medical Technician-Intermediate (EMT-I) and a team of EMT-B or EMT-I personnel; an overall of 3 personnel at the least.

2)    An emergency transportation vehicle (ambulance) that meets the international standard.

3)    Medicines and equipment.

4)    Protocol (In the process. Details available in the ‘abstract’)


4)    Advance Life Support Team (ALS)

This team consists of:

1)    The leader of the Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic (EMT-P) or Pre-hospital emergency nurse (PHEN) or Emergency Physician (EP) or Physician with a team of EMT-I or EMT-B or FR personnel; an overall of 3 personnel at the least.

2)    An emergency transportation vehicle (ambulance) that meets the international standard.

3)    Medicines and equipment.

4)    Protocol (In the process.  Details available in the ‘abstract’)


*In order to assist the injured during an emergency, there needs to be at least 3 FR personnel. However, with some difficulties in certain areas during the first stage emergency, it is permissible to have 2 personnel to assist the injured.


This emblem is the reserved copyright
of the National Institute for Emergency Medicine in B.E. 2553(2010).


  National Institute for Emergency Medicine
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in order to communicate, promote and support the development of the emergency medicine.
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