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Training community emergency volunteers for hotel staff Hope is the front First aid, tourists, emergency illness

Training community emergency volunteers for hotel staff Hope is the front First aid, tourists, emergency illness

Tourism is considered a major industry. That generates enormous income for the country Which has been popular with tourists all over the world in traveling And stay in Thailand But nowadays the emergency illness that occurs with tourists in the hotel And tourist attractions Likely to increase Both from accidents, disasters, accidents and emergency illnesses With dangerous diseases or chronic diseases such as sudden respiratory arrest, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, which causes emergencies, crises that need to be rescued at the scene in a timely manner
Emergency Medical Training and Development Center by Dr. Pairoj Bunsirikhamchai, Deputy Secretary of the National Institute of Emergency Medicine and Dr. Paween Naramathakul, Director of the Emergency Medical Training and Development Center Therefore organized a training program for community emergency volunteer first aid courses for the hotel staff By organizing a pilot project for St.Regis Hotel Bangkok employees
            Training Will make the hotel staff Have knowledge and understanding of skills In first aid Notification of requesting assistance via the hotline 1669 Patient mobility Resuscitation (CPR) allows tourists to receive immediate help when emergency illness And reduce complications of disability and loss of life that may occur

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