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An application to verify a certified ambulance is now available to download for quality assurance of emergency service, both in IOS and Android system

An application to verify a certified ambulance is now available to download for quality assurance of emergency service, both in IOS and Android system

An application to verify a certified ambulance is now available to download for quality assurance of emergency service, both in IOS and Android system. National Institute for Emergency Medicine has launched an application to verify a certified ambulance to assure emergency service are being met.

Whenever there is an accident or someone needs an emergency medical attention, an immediate medical assistance is required promptly. As a matter of fact, medical equipment, an ambulance must be in a good working condition including qualified medical personnel. Consequently, the National Institute for Emergency Medicine has created an     

“EMS Certified” application as a tool to ensure that standards of quality of ambulances and subsidiary rescue vehicles.

Mr. Anucha Setthasathien, M.D., the Secretary General of the National Institute for Emergency Medicine (NIEMS) says that this application that has been launched before a while back through Android and the numbers of download are satisfactory, the “ EMS Certified” application is  now available on IOS system for comprehensive use for all mobile phone users.

Instruction how to verify the certified ambulance and subsidiary rescue vehicles.

1. Take a photo a “QR-code “of an ambulance or a subsidiary rescue vehicle, then, scan it on the application for verification.

2.  Or type in a license plate number and select an origin, it will show the result if that vehicle is certified or not.

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